The Laws of the Game changed from 1st May 2024

The league

Just in case you didn't know... the Herts Women's Walking Football League (WWFL) has now completed its first season and registrations are now closed for the 2025 season but please email your interest for the 2026 season if you aren't already part of this exciting league.

The league is open to any FA-affiliated women's walking football team and the minimum age is 40 for all players. The games are played on FIFA-graded Astroturf pitches at Cheshunt Football Club.

2025-2026 FA Laws of The Game

Revised rules now published

Please familiarise yourself with the new rules. The key changes include the following:

No shin pads, no play

Any save from the goalkeeper that crosses the goal line (that is not a goal) will result in a corner.

The distance for a penalty is 6.5m from the centre of the goal line

Any player failing to respect the required distance when play is restarted with a corner kick, kick-in, free kick or goal clearance will be shown a blue card

2025 league dates

Sunday 23rd March 2pm

Sunday 27th April 2pm

Sunday 18th May 2pm

Sunday 15th June 2pm

Sunday 20th July 2pm

Sunday 21st September 2pm

Sunday 19th October 2pm

The Herts Walking Football League are now proud and pleased to be affiliated to the Walking Football Leagues Alliance (WFLA). This means that the winners of the league will have the opportunity to play in the WFLA Champions Cup.

Herfordshire FA Winner of the The Lioness Award

The HWWFL are proud to have been presented The Lioness Award as part of the FA Grassroots Football Awards for 2024.

The Herts Walking Football League secure a sponsor!

Treehouse Nursery Schools is delighted to be the main sponsor of the inaugural Herts Women's Walking Football League. We align with the HWWFL, which will bring communities together through the promotion of good mental and physical health and social inclusion among older women.

What to expect

6-a-side multi-touch FA rules

Qualified referees

Medals for league winners and runners-up

Trophy for league winners

£50 per team registration fee

£45 per team per month

Food cafe and bar open


Please note the deadline for entries and payment for the 2025 season has now closed. If you would like to enter the 2026 season, please email us.

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